Minggu, 28 November 2010


done !

Many childhood diseases can now be prevented through the use of vaccines. Should parents be made by law to immunize their children against common diseases or should individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?

There has always been arguable discussion about whether many upbringing diseases should be barred through the use of vaccines while in my point of view government can make the parents immunize their children to fight common disease by the regulation. For same points, there are several rationales supporting the idea.
The first point to make is that children health will be guaranteed by the government. The government will assure that every child over the country will get decent immunization as the first step of body endurance. This body endurance can be their self defense to fight the infectious and deadly diseases. Because of that, the health program is needed to reduce the diseases. By this commitment, the government surely give the socialization how important child’s immunization is and finally give the use of vaccines to fight against children infectious diseases.
The second point to make is that there are many parents have not really good cognizance monitoring their children especially people with low prosperity and education. Due to lack of money and low education, high mortality and disability rates happened. The parents mostly said that they prefer paying more attention how to survive with money to concerning how to fulfill their health lives, even not mostly people think like that as well. Thus, it can not be refuted because people with low prosperity are more money oriented than health oriented. By this regulation, government can force the parents to immunize the children even the parents do not want to. Not sooner have the parents been forced, than the health oriented will be had by them. Because of this condition, infectious and deadly diseases are less in children.
In my conclusion, the government can make the law to oblige the parents immunize their children. What if the government let the parents themselves to choose or not to immunize their children. For people with high prosperity and education, they can fulfill their children health properly by immunizing with their own private doctors and not go along with government’s programs. But how about people who have no idea how important health is? Which can be low educated or have low prosperity. In short, by this regulation, infectious and deadly diseases can be reduced. Sooner or later, people will concern more about health needs.


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