Minggu, 14 November 2010

Recount: A Day at the Bandengan Beach

Have you ever fallen from a banana boat in the middle of the sea that you have no idea how dept is that? If you haven’t, I have. I was on Bandengan Beach at that moment and guess what, I fell from the banana boat three times. Let me tell you how great the feeling was. It was a mixture of frightened, alarmed, excited and unpredictable moment that couldn’t forgetful.

On November 7, 2010 was Sunday. My family and I went to Bandengan with all of my neighborhood. We went to Jepara on 6.30 am with 2 buses. On the way to go there, we were really in a good mood to have a chit-chat, rambling, ranting and babbling aboat anything. This trip was made as a refreshing time to free for a moment from the busy routines happened through before. At Aboat 09.30, we arrived there. We were really excited then rushed out of the buses to step on the sand of the Bandangen Beach. It felt really good.

After having quality time to look around how beautiful Bandengan was finally we decided to surround the sea with a small ship contained of my family and neighborhood. The trip on the ship was very noisy but I knew everybody had really so much fun on it even with only 5 thousand Rupiah and aboat 20 minutes surround every part of Bandengan. And finally we reached the shore again, the teenagers including me decided to ride the banana boat. Not literally meant riding the banana boat but we just sat on the banana boat with life jacket something floating on the water and pulled by a speedboat rode by a person. At that moment, we were aboat 6 people and I was the oldest one but that didn’t meant I was not scared at all. I felt scared aboat what would happen in the middle of the sea but I shoved away all those bad thoughts and enjoyed my self on this vacation.

When we were ready, there were slightly worried faces read on our parents’ but we assured them that this was just a way to have fun and there would be nothing bad happened. I felt so much flabbergasted when suddenly our banana boat being pulled by the man rode the speedboat. I made sure that everybody was ready then tighten my grips on the rope. We were pulled and follow the direction of the speedboat passed. It was delightful to scream and laugh as loud as you could. But not sooner the speedboat made some sharp turns and we screamed heavenly. Then suddenly I, for my self, felt like there was something or someone yanked me off my grips on the rope and threw out me to the sea. I felt alarmed and really frightened because I could be apart from the others but I remembered I had my jacket life and the others threw out not as far so I thought. When the man rode speedboat helped us rise to the top we burst into laughter and yelled to the man to fasten the ride. The feeling was so freaking me out but indescribable at the same time. I remembered clearly that we fell from the boat 3 times but no one seemed scared enough to try riding the banana boat next time.


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